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Our Team

Sabrina LARCINESE Director


Cook - Brun


Nido referent


Nido referent


AMI Montessori Educator


AMI Assistant Montessori Educator


Technical referent - Brun


Technical referent - Doria

Our team includes around 15 people. The photos are not all taken at the moment. You will be able to meet your representatives when you come to our structure.

Decalogue of the educator according to Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori created the Educator's Decalogue, which is the ideal to achieve for the new educator. As its name suggests, it is made up of 10 points covering the essential points of the educator's attitude:


  1. Never touch the child unless he or she invites you to do so (in one way or another).

  2. Never speak ill of a child, either in front of them or in their absence.

  3. Focus your effort on strengthening and helping the development of what is positive in the child.

  4. Put all your energy into preparing the environment, taking care of it regularly in a meticulous manner. Help the child establish good relationships with the environment. Show him where the equipment is stored and tell him how he should use it.

  5. Always be ready to respond to the call of the child who needs you, always listen and respond to the child who calls on you.

  6. Respect the child who makes a mistake and who can either correct himself in the moment, but firmly and immediately stop any misuse of the equipment and any action that endangers the child, his development, or other children. .

  7. Respect the child who is resting or watching others work, or thinking about what he has done or will do. Do not call him or force him into another form of activity.

  8. Help those who are looking for an activity and cannot find one.

  9. Tirelessly introduce activities to the child who previously refused them; constantly help him to acquire what he does not yet have and to overcome his imperfections, do all this by carefully animating the environment; by deliberately having a reserved attitude, using kind words and being a loving presence. Let your presence and your availability be felt by the child who is searching, and remain hidden from the one who has already found.

  10. Always treat the child with the utmost politeness and offer them the best you have.

Montessori Marseille

First Montessori Nursery & Kindergarden in Marseille

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