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Financial Aid

Financial Aid from the CAF

By choosing our micro-cribs for the care of your children, you benefit from assistance from the Family Allowance Fund: P.A.J.E. (Childcare service).


The child must be looked after at least 16 hours a month.


The amount of care depends on your income, the number of children and their age.

A minimum of 15% of the expense will remain the responsibility of the parents.


CMG PAJE amounts in 2014 (same scale as for the employment of a home guard) based on the income ceiling of 2012: '

* Since June 1, 2012, this amount is increased by 40% if you are raising your child (ren) alone.

Cases of reduction or increase in the amounts of support


These amounts are halved if you benefit from the free choice of activity supplement paid for a part-time job of 50% or less; Under certain conditions, these amounts may be increased by:


10% if your child is kept at night from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., on Sunday or on public holidays;


30% if you and / or your spouse is the beneficiary of the disabled adult allowance.


This increase has applied since June 1, 2012.


Please note, these two increases are cumulative. The above information is given for information only and cannot engage the responsibility of Montessori Marseille in the event of modifications by CAF.

Tax Credit

In accordance with the legislation in force, you can benefit from a tax credit equal to 50% of the sums paid within the limit of € 2,300 / child / year, i.e. € 1,150.


Remember to request your free choice of childcare supplement from your CAF from the first day of presence in the structure.


If you have recourse to several types of childcare (maternal assistant, micro-crèche, etc.), the cumulative partial coverage of remuneration is possible under certain conditions.


TO KNOW: You have the possibility of carrying out an online simulation and thus knowing the amount paid by the CAF, according to the number of hours of presence of your child within the micro-crèche.

Ask your CAF choose "Individual", then "PAJE simulation" and finally "I access the PAJE rights simulation".

(Choose when the time comes, the childcare mode "micro-crèche not subsidized by CAF or MSA").


To find out the amount invoiced by the micro-crèche, multiply the number of hours of attendance per month by 7 (hourly rate). Your business can finance part of your child's care. Tell them to contact us!

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